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Priestess Path

I have been anointed by the Priestess of the Rose, on to Her priestess path. 
She works with souls who choose the human dimension and assists them into the womb. 
The Priestess of the Rose and Her path of Light, also works with transitioning souls. 
As a Priestess on this path, my work here involves assisting in birthing and re-birthing (or death as we call it). 
I walk this path, humbled by the powerful tools bestowed upon me, to assist souls on their journey earth-side and upwards and onwards beyond the Rainbow Bridge. 
You’re welcome to reach out to receive the 40-day ‘Womb Activation Healing’ if you’re at any stage on the path of motherhood. 
And if you have a loved one, who’s on their path across the Rainbow Bridge and you want to assist in their journey, you know where to find me. Receiving this gift is a divine blessing of the Priestess of the Rose. It’s called the ‘Gift of the Mother’. 
The Gift of the Mother, is like a warm embrace on a path less traversed. Where the human part of the soul often fears the unknown. We connect with guides and ancestors as the soul prepares their departure. Reminding them that there’s Light ahead and it’s only beautiful, safe, loving, blessed and light-filled ahead. 
Root emotions of anger, fear, sadness hurt and guilt often block a smooth departure and often block a soul from a smooth transition. These are gently released by the Gift of the Mother. 
Karmic ties to loved ones on this earthly plain have a powerful way of anchoring a soul in their suffering. These knots are lovingly untied by the Priestess of the Rose herself. 
Join me in blessing souls on their journey earth-side as well as onward, with these tools from Cosmic Light Healing™ that the New Earth is only just receiving for the very first time.
Let us learn to celebrate from the time before a soul incarnates to beyond their incarnation. For Light is our very true nature, our essence and ever eternal. 

  • What is Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ ?
    Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ (CLH) is a high frequency, inter-dimensional vibration transmitted to catalyse your journey on the path of Light. This form of light healing transforms all that is ready to rise, allowing you to realise your true nature and come into yourself. When you were born you forgot where you came from, and your true nature became a stranger to you. CLHâ„¢ comes from that fountain of Source. to complete the incomplete circle of connection within your being. It initiates self-recognition on your path of self-realization. Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ is more than healing. It is repairing the unforgotten, to fill the cracks of disconnection, so that you may be whole again. Just as you have upgrades for your electronics, to provide bug fixes; Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ is that systems upgrade which provides safeguard against the harshest eventualities existing in your dimension. When a family receives Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢, ancestral patterns are healed, and future generations are freed from the shackles of the past.
  • How does CLH work ?
    Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ heals at a cellular level. Past memories, trauma, old beliefs and experiences are stored as energy trapped within the cells. As human cells regenerate, they do so with all that is trapped within. This is the reason for recurrence of most afflictions of the mind and body. Depression, anxiety, cancer; all that plagues humanity is the result of the cellular structure, within which all information is stored. Cosmic Light Healing works with the frequency of Light. It is the highest vibration of light consciousness there is. Light penetrates everything, especially water. The human body is made up of water and crystalline structure. This liquid, crystalline structure is deeply influenced by light. Therefore, when Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ penetrates through the body and enters every cell and fibre of your being, it transforms the liquid crystalline structure itself. Replacing all old impressions, all dis-ease causing impressions with life transforming Cosmic Light. This Cosmic Light is pure, subtle, conscious, all-knowing Light. Therefore, healing takes place spontaneously.
  • How is CLH different from other forms of healing like Reiki?
    In Cosmic Light Healing, it is the Higher Self that gives permission for healing. While in other forms, like Reiki, it is the conscious self that gives permission for healing. When the higher self gives permission for healing, healing takes place at the deepest levels of consciousness of that being. The Higher Self is in full awareness of where and what healing is required, even far before the conscious self can have any awareness. So, the Higher Self is working in the same plane as consciousness and cosmic awareness.
  • How do I learn CLH?
    Come receive Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢, come learn the sacred wisdom of the Mystery Schools with me. This is the frequency of the New World, the teachings that will take you across, the healing that your people and your planet are in need of right now. You are the child of Light. Recognise your calling and true purpose here. Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ is here to assist you in your journey of ascension, it is here to uplift you in your physical bodily distress and heal you of that which limits your potential in this 3-dimensional existence. You are a divine child of the Universe, learn to access your full potential. Learn to work with your full potential and share with the world the magic of grounding yourself in this potential. Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ is here to do more than what you know healing to be.
  • CLH GE
    Four times a year, my soul sister Vanita Jairam and myself offer CLH (for free) as a gift to all those who choose to receive it. You can register [insert link]. The CLH Global Event takes place every January 11th, April 4th, August 8th and November 18th. On these days, we offer CLH at four separate times of the day. You can register to receive CLH from the comfort of your home, at a time suitable to you.
  • Full Body Healing – for you
    You may receive Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ for your general wellbeing or you may have a specific intention for receiving CLH. For this purpose, there are four options: Daily Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ for (1 week) Monthly Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ (1 month) Quarterly Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ (3 months) Half Yearly Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ (6 months) Please book a discovery call for more details and registration. Three hours of my day are dedicated to my practice of Cosmic Light Healing, five days a week. Full Body Healing is given to all those of you who choose this program, during my daily practice. Each of the above programs are designed to provide five days of active healing with two days of rest for integration of the healing received on the five days of the week. This is essential for the Light to ground and become anchored in your being, and vice-versa. Additionally, we also offer personalized Cosmic Light Healingâ„¢ programs based on your specific situation and/or illness which can be discussed personally. The duration for this program varies from person to person. Please book a discovery call for more details and registration.
  • Mother Earth Healing – for property and land
    As Warriors of the Light, who walk the Priestess path, we offer healing to our first mother, Gai’a or Mother Earth during our daily practice of Cosmic Light Healing™. Mother Earth Healing heals pockets of land of Mother Earth herself. It helps her recalibrate and rebirth her being with the power of Cosmic Light. This Cosmic Light dispels all that is lifeless so that where once life couldn’t be, life flourishes. As part of this sacred process, we also offer healing to properties and parcels of land. This energizes and recalibrates the land, realigning it energetically to support you in your endeavors when you occupy this land. Please book a discovery call for more details and registration.
  • Womb Activation Healing – for pregnancy
    The Womb Activation healing is especially for those on the path of motherhood, more so if you are struggling to conceive. This healing is offered for a duration of 40 days (designed to provide five days of active healing with two days of rest for integration of the healing received on the five days of the week. This is essential for the Light to ground and become anchored in your being, and vice-versa.) Please book a discovery call for more details and registration.
  • Gift of the Mother – for transitioning souls
    The Gift of the Mother, is a special process of healing offered to those who are on their path across the Rainbow Bridge. It assists in their onward journey and in easing their transition. Receiving this gift is a divine blessing of the Priestess of the Rose. It’s called the ‘Gift of the Mother’. It is like a warm embrace on a path less traversed. Where the human part of the soul often fears the unknown. We connect with guides and ancestors as the soul prepares their departure. Reminding them that there’s Light ahead and it’s only beautiful, safe, loving, blessed and light-filled ahead. Root emotions of anger, fear, sadness hurt and guilt often block a smooth departure and often block a soul from a smooth transition. These are gently released by the Gift of the Mother. Karmic ties to loved ones on this earthly plain have a powerful way of anchoring a soul in their suffering. These knots are lovingly untied by the Priestess of the Rose herself. Please book a discovery call for more details and registration.

About Cosmic Light Healing™

Cosmic Light Healing™ (CLH) is a high frequency, inter-dimensional vibration transmitted to catalyse your journey on the path of Light. This form of light healing transforms all that is ready to rise, allowing you to realise your true nature and come into yourself. When you were born you forgot where you came from, and your true nature became a stranger to you.


CLH™ comes from that fountain of Source. to complete the incomplete circle of connection within your being. It initiates self-recognition on your path of self-realization. Cosmic Light Healing™  is more than healing. It is repairing the unforgotten, to fill the cracks of disconnection, so that you may be whole again.


Just as you have upgrades for your electronics, to provide bug fixes; Cosmic Light Healing™ is that systems upgrade which provides safeguard against the harshest eventualities existing in your dimension.

When a family receives Cosmic Light Healing™, ancestral patterns are healed, and future generations are freed from the shackles of the past.

How does it work

Cosmic Light Healing™ heals at a cellular level. Past memories, trauma, old beliefs and experiences are stored as energy trapped within the cells. As human cells regenerate, they do so with all that is trapped within. This is the reason for recurrence of most afflictions of the mind and body. Depression, anxiety, cancer; all that plagues humanity is the result of the cellular structure, within which all information is stored. 


Cosmic Light Healing works with the frequency of Light. It is the highest vibration of light consciousness there is. Light penetrates everything, especially water. The human body is made up of water and crystalline structure. This liquid, crystalline structure is deeply influenced by light. Therefore, when Cosmic Light Healing™ penetrates through the body and enters every cell and fibre of your being, it transforms the liquid crystalline structure itself.


Replacing all old impressions, all dis-ease causing impressions with life transforming Cosmic Light. This Cosmic Light is pure, subtle, conscious, all-knowing Light. Therefore, healing takes place spontaneously.

How is CLH different from other forms of healing like Reiki? 

In Cosmic Light Healing, it is the Higher Self that gives permission for healing. While in other forms, like Reiki, it is the conscious self that gives permission for healing. When the higher self gives permission for healing, healing takes place at the deepest levels of consciousness of that being. The Higher Self is in full awareness of where and what healing is required, even far before the conscious self can have any awareness. So, the Higher Self is working in the same plane as consciousness and cosmic awareness.

Learn CLH

Come receive Cosmic Light Healing™, come learn the sacred wisdom of the Mystery Schools with me. This is the frequency of the New World, the teachings that will take you across, the healing that your people and your planet are in need of right now.


You are the child of Light. Recognise your calling and true purpose here.  Cosmic Light Healing™ is here to assist you in your journey of ascension, it is here to uplift you in your physical bodily distress and heal you of that which limits your potential in this 3-dimensional existence. 


You are a divine child of the Universe, learn to access your full potential. Learn to work with your full potential and share with the world the magic of grounding yourself in this potential. Cosmic Light Healing™ is here to do more than what you know healing to be.

How is CLH different from other forms of healing like Reiki? 

In Cosmic Light Healing, it is the Higher Self that gives permission for healing. While in other forms, like Reiki, it is the conscious self that gives permission for healing. When the higher self gives permission for healing, healing takes place at the deepest levels of consciousness of that being. The Higher Self is in full awareness of where and what healing is required, even far before the conscious self can have any awareness. So, the Higher Self is working in the same plane as consciousness and cosmic awareness.

Receive CLH


Four times a year, my soul sister Vanita Jairam and myself offer CLH (for free) as a gift to all those who choose to receive it. You can register [insert link]. 
The CLH Global Event takes place every January 11th, April 4th, August 8th and November 18th. On these days, we offer CLH at four separate times of the day. You can register to receive CLH from the comfort of your home, at a time suitable to you. 


Four times a year, my soul sister Vanita Jairam and myself offer CLH (for free) as a gift to all those who choose to receive it. You can register [insert link]. 
The CLH Global Event takes place every January 11th, April 4th, August 8th and November 18th. On these days, we offer CLH at four separate times of the day. You can register to receive CLH from the comfort of your home, at a time suitable to you. 

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